with a Plan
Our Mission at CARP
To improve the quality of life for Returning Citizens, their families, and communities by providing practical, compassionate and needs-based support through comprehensive case management, and fast track referrals to reliable service providers. It is our goal to help Returning Citizens successfully "reenter" their communities.






Building towards your future.
We Can Assist You!
With this program, Returning Citizens like you will have the opportunity to be self-sufficient and become contributing members to your families and communities while being supported in your transition.
CARP helps you to achieve this by (1) building and maintaining strong relationships with you in order to advocate for your specific range of social and economic needs (2) manage individual cases and provide strategic individual plans with the use of a formalized referral process to service providers and (3) offering you weekly support groups and training to help you develop and live independently.
NAARC Founder/Chairman
Eric Weaver
"More than 650,000 individuals return to society from federal and state prison each year"
How can
CARP help you?
Client Benefits.
Comprehensive Case Management from Dedicated Case Workers
Help With Obtaining Vital Records (I.D., Birth Certificate, Social Security Card)
Fast Track Referrals to Service Providers
Weekly Support Groups
Skill Development and Training
“SELF” (Development) Sufficiency Plans
Emergency Resources
To participate in CARP, apply here.

Program Director: Londrea Dudley |